Tyrrell County Board of Education Meeting Highlights: Celebrating Achievements and Planning for the Future

Columbia, NC – The Tyrrell County Board of Education (BOE) convened on June 4, 2024, to recognize student accomplishments, honor long-serving members, and discuss essential updates and plans for the district.

Student Achievements: A round of applause goes to Ms. Selena Nederhoff’s 6th grade students—Jose’ Argon Cartagena, Adam Forbes, and Weston Moran—who presented their impressive castle STEM project. Utilizing a detailed rubric, these students showcased their engineering skills. Their castles are on display at the TCS Central Office, NC State Employees’ Credit Union, and Tyrrell County Public Library. Community members are encouraged to visit these locations to see the outstanding work.

Honoring Board Members: Chairperson Karen Clough presented a Resolution of Recognition and Appreciation to Mr. Lee Scripture and Ms. Janie Gibbs for their dedicated service on the BOE—16 years for Mr. Scripture and 28 years for Ms. Gibbs. Their contributions have significantly impacted our school district and community, and they will be greatly missed.

Director’s Updates:

  1. Summer Maintenance Planning: Mr. Murphy outlined the prioritized projects for the summer, funded by the Lottery, Repair, and Renovate Funds. These projects are essential for maintaining and improving school facilities.

  2. CTE Budget and Innovation Center Plan: Dr. Hodges highlighted the district's commitment to a student-centered approach, aligning with Strategic Plan Indicator A05. Ms. Pam Taylor provided updates on the 2024-25 CTE budget, and Dr. Hodges discussed the tri-county partnership supporting the Innovation Center, backed by a Modernization Grant and collaboration with Beaufort County Community College.

  3. NC Driving School Contract: Ms. Audrey Curles announced the district’s contract with NC Driving School, effective until June 30, 2026. Home-schooled students in Tyrrell County can take driver’s education at no cost. However, students attending schools outside the district will incur fees.

  4. EC Contracts: Ms. Jennifer Mason presented contracts for Occupational Therapy Plus and Roanoke Therapy, detailing the services and rates for physical and occupational therapy for the upcoming year.

Policy Updates: Ms. Simmons proposed changes to several policies:

  • Policy 7650 (Employee Travel and Other Expense Reimbursement) and Policy 2130 (Board Member Compensation and Expenses) were tabled for further revisions.
  • Policy 8325 (Daily Deposits) was approved for its first reading.

Superintendent’s Report:

  1. ESSER Funding Cliff: Dr. Roseboro discussed strategies to address the upcoming end of ESSER funding in September 2024. The district is evaluating investments, applying for grants, and streamlining costs to sustain essential programs.

  2. TCS Summer Experience Camp: Scheduled from June 24 to July 18, 2024, this camp offers students a rich, immersive experience from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Thursday.

  3. Policy on Wireless Communication Devices: Dr. Roseboro emphasized the existing policy on cell phone use during instructional time. Principals will develop specific procedures, and consequences will be enforced for violations.

Action Items: The BOE approved the minutes from the May 7, 2024, meeting and the May 15, 2024, work session, along with personnel recommendations. The 2024-2025 meeting calendar will be discussed further in the June 19, 2024, work session.

For more details, visit the BOE meeting agenda and personnel report on Simbli: Tyrrell County BOE Meeting Agenda.

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