TCS Preschool Program
New Tyrrell County Schools PreK Playground!

Tyrrell County Schools offers a continuum of preschool services for children residing within the district.
The Tyrrell County Schools preschool program includes two blended classes, a class (PK3) for three year old children and a class (PK4) for four year old's. The PK4 class has maintained an enrollment of eighteen children. The PK3 class maintains a varied enrollment between twelve to fifteen children based on student need. Both classrooms have a five-star rating according to state licensing standards. The classroom teachers are Birth-Kindergarten (B-K) licensed.
The preschool program is located at Tyrrell Elementary School in two well-equipped classrooms. The program is supervised by the elementary school principal and the preschool coordinator. Smart Start, NC Pre-K, Exceptional Children, Title I, and local funds support this program.
In addition to the regular school year preschool program, Tyrrell County Schools operates a preschool summer program when funds are available. The summer program is an extension of the regular preschool program.

Developmental Screenings
If you have concerns about your child’s development and would like to request a screening, please complete the Preschool Screening Request and email it to: [email protected] or mail it to: Jennifer Mason, Director of Exceptional Children and Special Programs, Tyrrell County Board of Education Office, P.O. Box 328 (1107 Hwy 64 East), Columbia, NC 27925
Exceptional Preschool Services
The Tyrrell County Schools preschool provides a continuum of Exceptional Children's preschool services. The preschool diagnostic team works with families to conduct referrals, evaluations, and determine eligibility for special education services. Students who are identified for services receive services in a variety of ways, including school-based and itinerant services.
NC Pre-Kindergarten (NCPK) Program
Tyrrell County Schools Preschool Program, a five-star program under the State licensing system, will offer educational instruction using Creative Curriculum during the regular school year in the Pre-K 4 classroom for up to 18 children (age 4) in preparation for entering kindergarten. The NCPK Program is a state funded pre-kindergarten program for four-year-old's that Governor Easley initiated in 2001. NCPK seeks to promote school readiness for all children. The NCPK program is administered by Tyrrell-Washington Partnership for Children and accepts applications in the spring for the following school year. Children may be eligible for the program if they will be four-years-old by August 31st of the current school year and reside in Tyrrell County. Parents must complete an application and provide supporting documentation during the registration process.
The Local Partnership is responsible for administering the Smart Start Early Childhood Initiative. Smart Start is designed to ensure that all children arrive at school healthy and ready to succeed.
Tyrrell County Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of their operations. Tyrrell County Schools Preschool Program does not discriminate in enrollment or access to any of the programs available. The lack of English language skills shall not be a barrier to admission or participation in the district’s activities and programs. For more information, contact Jennifer Mason, Director of Exceptional Children and Special Programs , at 252-796-1121 ext. 412 or [email protected]