Frequently Asked Questions

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1. What employees are eligible to earn/use personal leave?

Classroom teachers and media specialists who require substitutes and are employed in permanent status (full or part-time), are eligible to earn/use personal leave.

2. As a classroom teacher when can I use personal leave and receive full salary without a deduction?

There is one (1) instance when a teacher can use personal leave and receive full salary without a deduction for a substitute:

(1) A teacher can use personal leave on a non-protected teacher workday and receive full salary without a deduction. The total amount of personal leave that a teacher can use on non-protected workdays is limited to the number of days accrued per year.

The use of personal leave without a deduction is administered in accordance with the Benefits and Employment Policy Manual, Section 5.1.2., Use of Personal Leave.

3. What is the total number of personal leave days without a deduction that a teacher can use per year?

A teacher can use up to the amount of accrued personal leave during the 10 non-protected workdays and receive full salary without a deduction for a substitute.  The use of personal leave without a deduction is administered in accordance with the Benefits and Employment Policy Manual, Section 5.1.2., Use of Personal Leave.

4. Can a teacher use personal leave without a deduction in half-day increments?

Yes. Personal leave must be used in either half or full-day increments.

5. Does a teacher have to provide a reason for requesting personal leave without a deduction?

The use of personal leave without a deduction is administered in accordance with the Benefits and Employment Policy Manual, Section 5.1.2., Use of Personal Leave.