Media & Digital Learning
eBooks are Everywhere Quick Guide - directions on accessing local and state resources:
NC Wiseowl EBSCO eBook Collections
Navigate to
Choose the appropriate grade level area.
Next, select eBook K-8 Collection or eBook High School Collection.
This collection contains nonfiction and fiction titles. The books can be read in your browser. For offline reader, here is information about the BlueFire Reader.
At school you will not need a password. For home use, see your media coordinator, administrator or technology staff for the password.
Pettigrew Regional Library
The Pettigrew Regional Library system has access to North Carolina's E-iNC Overdrive system. This provides each cardholder with access to audiobooks and e-books purchased by libraries throughout the state. Overdrive also provides access to thousands of digitized magazines and videos!
Navigate to
You will be taken to this page:
At the Sign-In screen, select Pettigrew Regional Library and enter your library card number. Once into the program, notice in the top left hand corner of the home screen, there is a KIDS link. This will take you to the library's children's ebook collection. These are in addition to the NC Digital Kids collection.
NC Digital Kids Library
For NC children pre-K through middle school
Over 12,000 eBooks, audiobooks, videos and Read-Alongs
accessible through
Click on Sign In button in top right hand corner
In drop down menu, select Pettigrew Regional Library
Enter your library card number
Sign In and enjoy!