Innovative Learning Catalysts
The DTL Innovative Learning Catalysts (ILCs) are hosting on-going, interactive discussions around timely topics -- keyword: interactive! Come willing to engage with educators and administrators from across North Carolina.
We believe learning is a continuous process and that we have much to learn from each other! While there will be a topic and content curated to support each #ILCPDNC session, the dialogue will be driven by participants.
#ILCPDNC operates on a rotating schedule, with new sessions, dates and times posted weekly to accommodate schedules & requested topics. If you miss one that interests you, we plan to repeat.
Check the website, or our NCDPI DTL social media feeds for schedule and topics {Facebook | Twitter}.
On Friday, August 7th, we’ll discuss using Podcasts in the Classroom at 10am and Top Ten Considerations for Remote Learning at 2pm. Sign up using the links, or visit the ILCPD website to review more information.
Questions? Email your regional ILC:
Stacy Lovdahl (West) | Chris Beneck (Central) | Mollee Holloman (East)